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Writer's pictureVega CADD

3D Rendering for Next Revolution in Real Estate

Buyers clamour to urge a bit of property well before any real foundations are laid, suiting both developers and their bankers perfectly, actually property developers that don’t proceed this manner are often squeezed out of the market by rising holding costs and a finance market that gets more demanding and protective of its cash. In effect the old formula of “design, build, sell” has now been flipped into “sell, design, build.”

Steve Bell, originally from Australia, evolved from construction, design, and property development into one among the world’s powerhouses of 3D Rendering services – Vegacadd. Focused on flexibility, and leveraging staggering computer processing power, Bell found a distinct segment for taking over unusual projects and delivering big, ensuring his association with many of the world’s most ambitious ventures.

So where does a man who reached the highest of his field go next? during this case it’s backwards, although during a great way – back to property. Bell seeks to point out what the mixture of a full 3D and virtual approach has on projects and has partnered up to urge the near $500 million Ascot Grand Bahama development moving, essentially becoming his own client. From just vacant land, and no established competitive formulas, Ascot was conceived, refined and “soft sold” early, attracting broad international attention as an alternate , Bahamian, escape for condo buyers.

3D Architectural Rendering Services Included with:

  • 3D Interior Rendering Services

  • 3D Exterior Rendering Services

  • 3D Architetcural walkthrough

  • 3D Floor Plan Rendering services

  • 3D Furniture Rendering services


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